Adversaries come my way in abominable forms.
For Feb.07 the stars read as such:
The Bottom Line
The truth is the best solution. (Don't lead someone on just to feed your ego.)
In Detail
Just because you have one deep and meaningful conversation with someone doesn't mean that a romance is in the works -- of course, you know this, but the other person doesn't. So if this guy or gal heaps some unwanted attention on you today, try to change the subject. Make it clear that you are not available -- either because you're already taken or because you're just not interested. The truth is the best solution. (Don't lead someone on just to feed your ego.)
For Feb.07 the stars read as such:
The Bottom Line
The truth is the best solution. (Don't lead someone on just to feed your ego.)
In Detail
Just because you have one deep and meaningful conversation with someone doesn't mean that a romance is in the works -- of course, you know this, but the other person doesn't. So if this guy or gal heaps some unwanted attention on you today, try to change the subject. Make it clear that you are not available -- either because you're already taken or because you're just not interested. The truth is the best solution. (Don't lead someone on just to feed your ego.)
Most often than not, they come in nicely wrapped ideas that tickles my fancy and gets me hooked before i could even untie the friggin' ribbon!
"my imagination runs faster than my 2 feet can take me" -gi malavega (friend borrow ha.)
If the whole world conspires for me to think the way i do, teh Gods must be damned to even allow me to open my eyes, and relate.
I make you a deal, since recent event shows that I'm totally uncapable of even distinguishing trouble from ultimate disaster, why don't you leave it to the dark side to deceive me with unyeilding signs.
If you decide to drop me another package, give me a chance to mess things up before i get vaccumed into the same blackhole. Not that i question your intentions, and i firmly believe that i should know better to even mess with your plans. You created all goodness... and gave evil an equal hefty piece of the pie... so this is me.. asking permission to fuck people up before they do me.
Played with fire . . because i was cold. Never wanted to get burned.
ruttttttttthie, i didn't know you blogged. heller!!! hahahah so much ANGST my dear. have a cuppa a joe and breathe. :)
*Villain mode* Mades Mades Mades... You're here... What a wonderful surprise... *Blows cigarette smoke*
*cough cough* I stopped smoking na pala... Last stick was last November.
And thank you ms ... for dropping by my humble abode. Hope we can trade recipes for bundts, beef stews, pies and disasters.
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