
Much to do about nothing..

in modern lingo..petix. hehe.. im just too giddy to even start on my tasks.

SanMig started prepping up the stretch of SanMIg Ave for their event on Friday.
Coincedentally that's my bday too.. yes its going to be a very happy beerday indeed.

The wait is getting tooo painful for me to endure.. im to anxious i finish tasks right away, setting aside some not so urgent taks for me to mind just in case i need to pretend to be toxic.

i just saw the venue format for the friday event and this is sooooooo God-sent that teh reggae stage is the closest one to our office. hahaha! hay...
While reading the same memo i had a surreal vision in my head that my bday would be so astig coz iD have my friends raising their drinks and say cheers all together.. yay!!

This is starting to be a yabang mo moment.. just overwhelmed by the kaastigan. oh well gotta go back to work.

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