
define "Will"...

Hey there brothers and sisters in Christ, Buddha, Allah and Pacquio!

it's the 26th of December and i just had one of the steadiest Christmas i ever had, is it karma that having been brought up with festive holidays i now celebrate Christmas in the solitude of the simplest joys.

Define Simplest joys:

1. have to spend it with in-laws than my family... (they happen to be super stingy and provincially traditional) ... i have to be a grown up when i'm with them being around pamangkins and all.. well i enjoyed the food.. there.

2. drove up to my lola's house to celebrate with MY side of the family.. we were rather late and caught up with a couple of my cousins.. my sick and almost blind lola.. and yesssss my tita who poured her misery on me (that's going to be another blog opportunity).

3. grown up gifts just make you smile.

4. smell of baked goodies and bidding gBye to christmas with a glass of vodka in hand.

Moving on to my blog title, learning that things do change and i really have to grow up, life seems to greatly depend on your faith. Not gonna go religeous on you .. nope not me.
By faith i mean sheer perseverance that you deserve equal if not 10x more happiness with every challenge that you overcome.
This "faith" dictates your will to move forward. yup.. driving force so to speak, whether to surpass a heartache or prolong joy. *such big words.. nosebleed*

This next section would talk much about how i see my God. (feel free to exit coz i myself is weirded out by this idea..)
Well.. the 2 venues where i celebrated my chirstmas gave me a view of how i want to grow up.
My in-laws' christmas lunch together didnt turn out as planned.. twas quite horrible actually too personal to expound on. For whatever its worth i actually want me not to be like them, i'm super thankful that my definition of family is beyond attendance and short-patience. This season i pledge to etch my definition of family into my daughter (kids.. in 5 years time).. my husband is a work in progress.. he can always quit if he likes.. i'm better solo. hehehe.. but its God's will that he's stuck with me vis-a-vis.
Christmas over at the Regala's pretty much saddened me more than the in-law's hysteria. Because we came in late, food was there.. and its just sad that there were not much laughs.. and no family. huhuhuhu... again things happen for a reason.. i haven't pledged on anything but i surely would want to keep it together for our generation.
(haba na nito...for that let's wait for my next blog).

Happiness is a choice... Joy requires will.


Ruthie 2007

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