
The Soul is OUT... leave her a MSg.

The Bottom Line

An opportunity for upward mobility arrives on the scene. Don't wait to grab it.

In Detail

Today a new opportunity for upward mobility will arrive on the scene bright and early. Don't wait too long to address it -- the good fortune pendulum is swinging back your way, and it is bound to swing away again before you know it. Reach out and grab this chance, even if you don't feel completely prepared. This sunnier weather in your professional universe will put you on the pathway toward a bigger, blingier lifestyle full of complicated changes.

YiKes! i donT liKe thE souND oF thAt...

past few months everything stayed monotonous.. all contained in a sound-tight jar. Too steady to tinker with some changes. I'm apprehensive not from fear but more of laziness to deal with uncertainty. My mind is sooooo conditioned to do routines... it's killing me daily... but i'm use it.
I wake up, rant that i will be up to no good and work will definitley suck today since im too pressured and jaded how to meet my quota by the end of the month.

I'm stuck in a team who seems to have gotten a kick of how to do things. They are driven by competition and numbers, me on the other hand... just wants to help as many people as i could and be paid regularly.

The industry.. well doesn't differ that much at our end of the game... that i'm in is toooooooo fucked up. You are your resume. I have been interviewing people and endorsing them. I did my end of the job ensured that at least they meet all qualfications...... but they get turned dow for the outrageous pressumptions that just kills your spirit.

i am running on auto-pilot... im doing this because i have to. i use to like it.... but i cannot go on with this for another year.

changes smaaaaynges.. fuck u ol!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i soo believe in you sistah!
for me ur still the cash cow!
common you make things happen!
you make magic! you make sparks!
soon we shall fly together!
wait for me...
love ya love ya!